The Club strives to provide the best competitive opportunities for athletes of all ages.

The 2024 season includes numerous home competitions, based at the Clickimin Athletics Track and is rounded off with a home cross country series towards the end of the year.  The Club also facilitates competition performances on the mainland through organised trips.

The Competition Calendar for 2024 can be accessed through the link on this page when available. The individual competition pages established on this site give an overview of each competition, the arrangements for entry including standards to be met to represent Shetland AAC and any other important pieces of information. The age group cut off dates from ScottishAthletics is all available on the below button.

The Club uses EntryCentral for all of their competition entries for home competitions:

The Club is delighted to confirm that all home competitions on the new calendar have been sponsored. A huge thank you to Jamieson’s of Shetland for sponsorship of all our track based competitions.